I agree with your first paragraph but the last government did nothing to fix it and the problem goes back even further. In my view immigration is an issue because of the open borders of the EU and because of the attraction of the UK welfare state. All of this made worse, as you say, by the Human Rights Act. But why are people leaving their homes. The west must accept responsibility because of all the wars, and as you say the quangocracy - something David Cameron promised to sort out but he did nothing.
I do not see how taxation can be lowered because of the number of people who now depend on state support. As Lady Thatcher pointed out socialists only stop spending when they run out of other people's money. Trying to reverse state dependency is more difficult that reversing the flow of migrants, or the tides.
I think there is a conclusion to be drawn from the number not speaking English. They do not want to integrate and forcing integration cannot be acceptable for them either. The other side is that the British are also being forced to accept this. This effectively amounts to a violation of everyone's rights and freedoms.
Instead of " Britain really is broken, both in little and in big things, and Labour is making it worse", how about "Britain is broken, the government is responsible and our elected MPs do nothing about it".
I think these issue are due to the influence of intellectuals. Firstly, we have to define who they are and the best description I have seen is people who have a powerful influence through the spoken and written word. They have ideas but there is no substance to them. They are also never responsible of implementing any of their ideas. We also now get experts moving into politics and they soon adopt the attitude of being experts in everything and even forget their own expertise. Nothing demonstrated this more than the "government covid experts". It is also natural for us to accept the views of people we regard as experts. The intellectuals will latch onto anything that attracts them without a real understanding. Politicians in turn adopt the views of people they see as intellectuals. This is why on GB News you have idiots promoting climate alarmism and they don't know even basic physics. You never have a genuine scientist who could demolish every view they have. I now wonder what is the point of GB News. The wonderful Mark Steyn who understood the climate issue was soon removed from our screens.
Who is going to deliver the answer to the general poor treatment of the voters. The taxes are being wasted at an alarming rate. Too many people are getting free handouts. I have been disabled since I was eighteen , I have been a director of three companies and still running a Taxi business at eighty two. Too many work shy individuals.
A marvellous story Peter,best wishes to you and your business.Not driving myself I know what an invaluable service taxis are and the terrible pressures they are under.
I don't know how it's possible to forget one's native tongue. My stepfather was Polish. His parents were immigrants, and although Polish was spoken at home, his schooling took place entirely in English. He lived to be 96, and at the end of his life, the only language he could use to communicate was - Polish. So I think that Polish criminal is having everyone on, and Starmer and his minions are falling for it as naively as the Left always do.
A good summary and I'm glad to read that the suggested solution is conservative policies with a small 'c'. Although you've highlighted a number of important issues visible to voters, not so visible I fear the problems run much deeper and the solutions more out of reach. I for one am reconciled to the fact that in my 60s, I (and likely my children) will only ever regrettably see a continuing UK decline. Perhaps my grandchildren or great grandchildren will see a recovering UK that I would recognise, but no crystal ball sees that far! In the short term, Professor David Betz, Professor in the Dept of war studies at King's college gives a bleak outlook.
A statesman once said,"Great nations do not succomb through lost wars but rather through racial decay and the destruction of their internal order."
We have imported the third world into this country in vast numbers and we are now rapidly becoming the third world.The spiralling knife crime committed mostly by blacks is testimony to that.What a truly sick world it is .Look at the case at Oxford Crown court recently .A Ugandan convicted of holding slaves.She's laughably a U.N human rights lawyer.!!!
The rot in this country set in with Margaret Thatcher's implementing the "Public Order Act",which effectively criminalises anything someone says.Even my solicitor,who is clearly a liberal,having told me my views are considered"Abhorrent"by most people said it's an act that should be abolished.He couldn't have fought better for me.As that great statesman of iron will ,determination,courage and integrity often said to people of me "He's made up his mind don't confuse him with facts" I will appeal against my good solicitors advice.
Until this country finds men ilike Ian and Enoch to lead it ,it's finished.Ian Duncan Smith I consider a total mountebank.,unworthy of the name or initials.There is only one Ian Smith.
Perhaps at last the scales have fallen from your eyes.The so called Conservative government is resopnsible,the legacy of it's corruption and incompetence is Starmer.
What a very fine article Jacob,in parts worthy of Enoch Powell.Immigration is the poison at the heart of all western societies and well done for highlighting the discrimination against white Christians that is prevalent in this society I experienced this myself on Wednesday when I was convicted of a "Racially aggravated public order offence".The rotten legal system's bias against the English people will continue .I was told at one point in my trial to address the "Justices" and to stop making speeches.I earned a rebuke because I said I didn't consider I was in front of "Justices"or any kind of justice,merely a power .Naturally my right to freedom of expression (Article 10)under the human rights act on this occasion was denied and I was told it didn't apply ..I asked my solicitor about his opinion of these new guidelines and he thinks there's nothing the Muslim "Justice" minister,Mahmood,can do.
There is a book that is banned in Britain called "The Camp of the saints"by a French philosopher called Jean Respail.It predicts the end of the white world when hoardes of immigrants arrive in small boats .Written in the 70's,how prophetic and like Enoch a prophet not recognised in his time..May I return to that good old English expression "Enoch was right".
We won't get it from the Con party that now has a Nigerian immigrant leading it or the security services stooge Nigel Farage and his Muslim chairman.The whole country can see what a fraud Farage is in his treatment of Rupert Lowe.I like the look of a small but growing party "Britain First".They had a wonderful rally at Nuneaton recently for Remigration "
I agree with your first paragraph but the last government did nothing to fix it and the problem goes back even further. In my view immigration is an issue because of the open borders of the EU and because of the attraction of the UK welfare state. All of this made worse, as you say, by the Human Rights Act. But why are people leaving their homes. The west must accept responsibility because of all the wars, and as you say the quangocracy - something David Cameron promised to sort out but he did nothing.
I do not see how taxation can be lowered because of the number of people who now depend on state support. As Lady Thatcher pointed out socialists only stop spending when they run out of other people's money. Trying to reverse state dependency is more difficult that reversing the flow of migrants, or the tides.
I think there is a conclusion to be drawn from the number not speaking English. They do not want to integrate and forcing integration cannot be acceptable for them either. The other side is that the British are also being forced to accept this. This effectively amounts to a violation of everyone's rights and freedoms.
Instead of " Britain really is broken, both in little and in big things, and Labour is making it worse", how about "Britain is broken, the government is responsible and our elected MPs do nothing about it".
I think these issue are due to the influence of intellectuals. Firstly, we have to define who they are and the best description I have seen is people who have a powerful influence through the spoken and written word. They have ideas but there is no substance to them. They are also never responsible of implementing any of their ideas. We also now get experts moving into politics and they soon adopt the attitude of being experts in everything and even forget their own expertise. Nothing demonstrated this more than the "government covid experts". It is also natural for us to accept the views of people we regard as experts. The intellectuals will latch onto anything that attracts them without a real understanding. Politicians in turn adopt the views of people they see as intellectuals. This is why on GB News you have idiots promoting climate alarmism and they don't know even basic physics. You never have a genuine scientist who could demolish every view they have. I now wonder what is the point of GB News. The wonderful Mark Steyn who understood the climate issue was soon removed from our screens.
Who is going to deliver the answer to the general poor treatment of the voters. The taxes are being wasted at an alarming rate. Too many people are getting free handouts. I have been disabled since I was eighteen , I have been a director of three companies and still running a Taxi business at eighty two. Too many work shy individuals.
A marvellous story Peter,best wishes to you and your business.Not driving myself I know what an invaluable service taxis are and the terrible pressures they are under.
I don't know how it's possible to forget one's native tongue. My stepfather was Polish. His parents were immigrants, and although Polish was spoken at home, his schooling took place entirely in English. He lived to be 96, and at the end of his life, the only language he could use to communicate was - Polish. So I think that Polish criminal is having everyone on, and Starmer and his minions are falling for it as naively as the Left always do.
A good summary and I'm glad to read that the suggested solution is conservative policies with a small 'c'. Although you've highlighted a number of important issues visible to voters, not so visible I fear the problems run much deeper and the solutions more out of reach. I for one am reconciled to the fact that in my 60s, I (and likely my children) will only ever regrettably see a continuing UK decline. Perhaps my grandchildren or great grandchildren will see a recovering UK that I would recognise, but no crystal ball sees that far! In the short term, Professor David Betz, Professor in the Dept of war studies at King's college gives a bleak outlook.
A statesman once said,"Great nations do not succomb through lost wars but rather through racial decay and the destruction of their internal order."
We have imported the third world into this country in vast numbers and we are now rapidly becoming the third world.The spiralling knife crime committed mostly by blacks is testimony to that.What a truly sick world it is .Look at the case at Oxford Crown court recently .A Ugandan convicted of holding slaves.She's laughably a U.N human rights lawyer.!!!
The rot in this country set in with Margaret Thatcher's implementing the "Public Order Act",which effectively criminalises anything someone says.Even my solicitor,who is clearly a liberal,having told me my views are considered"Abhorrent"by most people said it's an act that should be abolished.He couldn't have fought better for me.As that great statesman of iron will ,determination,courage and integrity often said to people of me "He's made up his mind don't confuse him with facts" I will appeal against my good solicitors advice.
Until this country finds men ilike Ian and Enoch to lead it ,it's finished.Ian Duncan Smith I consider a total mountebank.,unworthy of the name or initials.There is only one Ian Smith.
Perhaps at last the scales have fallen from your eyes.The so called Conservative government is resopnsible,the legacy of it's corruption and incompetence is Starmer.
What a very fine article Jacob,in parts worthy of Enoch Powell.Immigration is the poison at the heart of all western societies and well done for highlighting the discrimination against white Christians that is prevalent in this society I experienced this myself on Wednesday when I was convicted of a "Racially aggravated public order offence".The rotten legal system's bias against the English people will continue .I was told at one point in my trial to address the "Justices" and to stop making speeches.I earned a rebuke because I said I didn't consider I was in front of "Justices"or any kind of justice,merely a power .Naturally my right to freedom of expression (Article 10)under the human rights act on this occasion was denied and I was told it didn't apply ..I asked my solicitor about his opinion of these new guidelines and he thinks there's nothing the Muslim "Justice" minister,Mahmood,can do.
There is a book that is banned in Britain called "The Camp of the saints"by a French philosopher called Jean Respail.It predicts the end of the white world when hoardes of immigrants arrive in small boats .Written in the 70's,how prophetic and like Enoch a prophet not recognised in his time..May I return to that good old English expression "Enoch was right".
Well said we now need action
We won't get it from the Con party that now has a Nigerian immigrant leading it or the security services stooge Nigel Farage and his Muslim chairman.The whole country can see what a fraud Farage is in his treatment of Rupert Lowe.I like the look of a small but growing party "Britain First".They had a wonderful rally at Nuneaton recently for Remigration "
Broken Britian. You will be fine. You are not broken.
How about my country, the freak-show bonkers America? I don't know what is coming down the pike. Have you met my President?