Excellent article. We need to stop pussyfooting around and get real action for our business and public wellbeing. This lame duck government has no idea on how to get the economy going. Giving our money away to foreign countries is madness when so many illegal Migrants are being treated better than our own citizens. We need a boost to the country by making sure we capitalise on our assets in the North Sea and plan more mini nuclear power plants . New technology for hydrogen fuel engines could help.
Where are the plans for a mini nuclear reactor? The UK does not have a prototype in operation as far as I am aware. The only small reactors are the ones used in nuclear submarines and they are top secret. According to Wikipedia only China and Russia have built small reactors. The promotion of these reactors is also based on them being sited closer to the demand centres and the public has not been asked what they think about them. I am not convinced about hydrogen. It is difficult and dangerous to store and it has a low energy density compared to petrol.
The minister who held back on the EU laws was one Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Bad Enoch (as opposed to the good Enoch Powell who has been proved so right about the EU and immigration).We are now being led to believe she is the great white hope and future of Conservatism .She is merely the leader of a failed philosophy and party,the con.party.
You raise excellent points. I would also add a large reduction in taxes, particularly cutting the public sector, and taking measures to make the UK an attractive place for investment once more, at the risk of inciting fury from the bond markets. In my experience, capital gravitates to regions that offer the most favorable conditions, and current geopolitical trends indicate that investors are increasingly turning towards Trump's USA or Asia. The borders and alliances that past generations would recognise are, I believe, undergoing fundamental changes, despite the best efforts of our so-called leaders. It raises an important question: whom will the UK ally with to ensure future generations enjoy a better quality of life than we have? You're right that the UK must prioritise getting its fundamentals in order before we can even consider reversing our downward trajectory, but it is essential for us all to acknowledge that the world is evolving and that a choice will eventually need to be made!
I'm sure there's a yippee Kay yay at the new colony of Gaza.Perhaps someone will even be made HM the queen of Gaza .Given Trump's love for his sweet little home town lamb.Yuk.
Trump has just proved what I recently said about Americans.So he wants to turn Gaza into a Riviera.My parents went once to the Baalbek festival in Lebanon,that was known as the "Paris of the east "at the time and just look at what Israel has done there recently.Made 1.5 million people homeless,as if they don't have enough problems .If there is a rise in anti semitism ,regrettable as that may be ,it is a consequence of Israel's recent actions I have been on enough pro Palestine marches to know many Jews agree as well .At one in Bath last year Charlotte Church attended and gave a beautiful rendition of "From the river to the sea",what a brave girl given the grip Jews gave on the entertainment industry .Indeed one hears very little of her now,I wonder why .
President Trump has just announced America will take over Gaza.I said in a thread many months ago I felt saddened for the poor Palestinian people as they'd get nothing from him,he's always been in the Jewish lobby.This is extremely foolish ,he will push us back to the old days of PLO type terrorism.(I saw Yasser Arafat once at Shepherds Hotel,well the back of his headscarf as he went into a conference !!)It should never be forgotten that Israel is a terrorist state ,founded in terrorism.The Irgun and the Haganah,the bombing of the King David Hotel (masterminded by Begin)British soldiers hanged with barbed wire in the olive groves,their poor bodies booby trapped to ensure anyone who discovered them was killed and maimed.To this the Jew Zionist Hollywood playwright Ben Hecht stated "Every time a British soldier is killed ,there is a song in my heart".
Jews are used to being relocated,why doesn't Trump relocate them to Texas,America is big enough and generous enough .They can build all the temples to their new religion of holocaustianity all they like then and not bore us with this constant yawnfest.There are so many survivors ,one begins to doubt the much vaunted efficiency of the Nazis.
The way they have treated the Palestinians is outrageous and monstrous for people who have admittedly been badly treated themselves.Hitler certainly taught them well in the methods they now use.
I am sick to death of hearing about these released "Brits".They Are NOT British ,they are Israelis living in Israel.One had a phone call with Starmer, unsurprisingly.Mianing about her treatment , they're not called "Wailing Jews"for nothing.I saw them at their walk on a tour of the Holy Land.
I do hope "Letters from an ENGLISH man"won't become too focused on America.There has never really been a special relationship ,they are always out for themselves,as is right ,a pity we aren't (we've only just finished paying off the debt to them ,after Churchill's futile war that brought this country nothing).They also have a childish tendency to think of themselves as God's gift to the world with all their "Know how".Look at the mess they've caused in the middle east ,all the turmoil now stems from Carter pulling the rug from under the Shah and their invasion of Iraq ,based on lies .
America and Americans are a spectacular cocktail but as with all cocktails ,initially pleasing ,one eventually gets a headache after too much.Behind all their fake "Have a nice day"I much prefer Europe and all its'culture.Somewhere that's provided a little more for the world's benefit than a beef burger.
I'm so pleased Jacob has published this in the Daily Express a veritable newspaper owned by the Jewish ponographer "Dirty Des",A good consolation prize for not being made the Con.party chairman after Jenrick lost out to Olukemi.It is significant that Jenrick tried to save dirty des 50m in taxes as a housing minister.Dirty now resides in Dubai I believe Rather like Richard Tice ,part time ,since his mistress Isabel Oskeshott decamped there.
As a believer in freedom I dislike censorship intensely.May I recommend to my fellow subscribers a book by the title of "The camp of the saints"by the French philosopher Jean Respail .This is a book one won't be able to find in our libraries as it is banned.Its' by line is the "End of the White world"and concerns the disintegration of European civilisation when hoardes of sub racials arrive in small boats !!!!!
Sir Jacob, did you see what Trumpie did today? Every day is .... Yippee Kiy yay!
He has Canada and Mexico in his grip. The last time these two countries were involved in US controversy was when The Simpsons TV show labelled my country as Shatner-stealing Mexico-touchers.
Excellent article. We need to stop pussyfooting around and get real action for our business and public wellbeing. This lame duck government has no idea on how to get the economy going. Giving our money away to foreign countries is madness when so many illegal Migrants are being treated better than our own citizens. We need a boost to the country by making sure we capitalise on our assets in the North Sea and plan more mini nuclear power plants . New technology for hydrogen fuel engines could help.
Apparently Rolls Royce have some plans. Not privy to the full details x. We have small reactors in Submarines!! They produce electricity!!!.
Where are the plans for a mini nuclear reactor? The UK does not have a prototype in operation as far as I am aware. The only small reactors are the ones used in nuclear submarines and they are top secret. According to Wikipedia only China and Russia have built small reactors. The promotion of these reactors is also based on them being sited closer to the demand centres and the public has not been asked what they think about them. I am not convinced about hydrogen. It is difficult and dangerous to store and it has a low energy density compared to petrol.
Speak to JCB about their new engine. Next?
The minister who held back on the EU laws was one Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Bad Enoch (as opposed to the good Enoch Powell who has been proved so right about the EU and immigration).We are now being led to believe she is the great white hope and future of Conservatism .She is merely the leader of a failed philosophy and party,the con.party.
You raise excellent points. I would also add a large reduction in taxes, particularly cutting the public sector, and taking measures to make the UK an attractive place for investment once more, at the risk of inciting fury from the bond markets. In my experience, capital gravitates to regions that offer the most favorable conditions, and current geopolitical trends indicate that investors are increasingly turning towards Trump's USA or Asia. The borders and alliances that past generations would recognise are, I believe, undergoing fundamental changes, despite the best efforts of our so-called leaders. It raises an important question: whom will the UK ally with to ensure future generations enjoy a better quality of life than we have? You're right that the UK must prioritise getting its fundamentals in order before we can even consider reversing our downward trajectory, but it is essential for us all to acknowledge that the world is evolving and that a choice will eventually need to be made!
I'm sure there's a yippee Kay yay at the new colony of Gaza.Perhaps someone will even be made HM the queen of Gaza .Given Trump's love for his sweet little home town lamb.Yuk.
Trump has just proved what I recently said about Americans.So he wants to turn Gaza into a Riviera.My parents went once to the Baalbek festival in Lebanon,that was known as the "Paris of the east "at the time and just look at what Israel has done there recently.Made 1.5 million people homeless,as if they don't have enough problems .If there is a rise in anti semitism ,regrettable as that may be ,it is a consequence of Israel's recent actions I have been on enough pro Palestine marches to know many Jews agree as well .At one in Bath last year Charlotte Church attended and gave a beautiful rendition of "From the river to the sea",what a brave girl given the grip Jews gave on the entertainment industry .Indeed one hears very little of her now,I wonder why .
President Trump has just announced America will take over Gaza.I said in a thread many months ago I felt saddened for the poor Palestinian people as they'd get nothing from him,he's always been in the Jewish lobby.This is extremely foolish ,he will push us back to the old days of PLO type terrorism.(I saw Yasser Arafat once at Shepherds Hotel,well the back of his headscarf as he went into a conference !!)It should never be forgotten that Israel is a terrorist state ,founded in terrorism.The Irgun and the Haganah,the bombing of the King David Hotel (masterminded by Begin)British soldiers hanged with barbed wire in the olive groves,their poor bodies booby trapped to ensure anyone who discovered them was killed and maimed.To this the Jew Zionist Hollywood playwright Ben Hecht stated "Every time a British soldier is killed ,there is a song in my heart".
Jews are used to being relocated,why doesn't Trump relocate them to Texas,America is big enough and generous enough .They can build all the temples to their new religion of holocaustianity all they like then and not bore us with this constant yawnfest.There are so many survivors ,one begins to doubt the much vaunted efficiency of the Nazis.
The way they have treated the Palestinians is outrageous and monstrous for people who have admittedly been badly treated themselves.Hitler certainly taught them well in the methods they now use.
I am sick to death of hearing about these released "Brits".They Are NOT British ,they are Israelis living in Israel.One had a phone call with Starmer, unsurprisingly.Mianing about her treatment , they're not called "Wailing Jews"for nothing.I saw them at their walk on a tour of the Holy Land.
Moaning and wall , apologise typos.
I do hope "Letters from an ENGLISH man"won't become too focused on America.There has never really been a special relationship ,they are always out for themselves,as is right ,a pity we aren't (we've only just finished paying off the debt to them ,after Churchill's futile war that brought this country nothing).They also have a childish tendency to think of themselves as God's gift to the world with all their "Know how".Look at the mess they've caused in the middle east ,all the turmoil now stems from Carter pulling the rug from under the Shah and their invasion of Iraq ,based on lies .
America and Americans are a spectacular cocktail but as with all cocktails ,initially pleasing ,one eventually gets a headache after too much.Behind all their fake "Have a nice day"I much prefer Europe and all its'culture.Somewhere that's provided a little more for the world's benefit than a beef burger.
I'm sure as a good Catholic Jacob will join me in prayers for the soul of Bishop Richard Williamson who has died recently .A remarkable man.RIP.
I'm so pleased Jacob has published this in the Daily Express a veritable newspaper owned by the Jewish ponographer "Dirty Des",A good consolation prize for not being made the Con.party chairman after Jenrick lost out to Olukemi.It is significant that Jenrick tried to save dirty des 50m in taxes as a housing minister.Dirty now resides in Dubai I believe Rather like Richard Tice ,part time ,since his mistress Isabel Oskeshott decamped there.
As a believer in freedom I dislike censorship intensely.May I recommend to my fellow subscribers a book by the title of "The camp of the saints"by the French philosopher Jean Respail .This is a book one won't be able to find in our libraries as it is banned.Its' by line is the "End of the White world"and concerns the disintegration of European civilisation when hoardes of sub racials arrive in small boats !!!!!
Why have my comments been deleted again,perhaps someone doesn't really believe in freedom !
Sir Jacob, did you see what Trumpie did today? Every day is .... Yippee Kiy yay!
He has Canada and Mexico in his grip. The last time these two countries were involved in US controversy was when The Simpsons TV show labelled my country as Shatner-stealing Mexico-touchers.
Vulgar individual